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Bojanala's Circuit Championships 4 of 4 U10

Last update 12.10.2024 20:23:05, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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Starting rank

1Raputsoa, BohlaleRSA1476Harties Chess Academy
2Kruger, ThinusRSA1408LS Silwerrand
3Dikane, LeanoRSA1395
4Kgame, Onalenna ItumelRSA1390Africa Knights Chess Academy
5Hough, Andreas JohanneRSA1355Larries
6Toughey, DylanRSA1355Brits Skaakklub
7Kotsokoane, ReotshepileRSA1343Africa Knights Chess Academy
8Diphoko, PelonomiRSA1293Africa Knights Chess Academy
9Smit, HesmiaRSA1282Brits Skaakklub
10Steyn, CarliRSA1190LS Olienpark
11Brumskine, WillowRSA1087Pecanwood College
12Pilane, OgoneRSA1218