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2024 West Rand CLOSED u16

Last update 12.10.2024 19:51:37, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Tshabadira

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Starting rank

1Badenhorst, Junaid Jaydon1496
2Udodi, Edubechukwu1465
3Kgotse, Thoriso1450
4Mediwane, Rethabile1397
5Perry-Fisher, Iain Eric1373
6Sibanda, Marlvin1371
7Mithani, Gcobani1358
8Pillay, Leeyah1295
9Jacob, Abishai1263
10Van Heerden, Alexander1251
11Moabi, Olerato1237
12Molosiwa, Kgotatso1232
13Msiza, Ayanda1196
14Sele, Pule Bongani1190
15Botha, Zoe1189