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2024 West Rand CLOSED Adults

Last update 12.10.2024 15:33:41, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Tshabadira

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Starting rank

1Manqina, Sibusiso1593
2Phakathi, Siyinqaba1431
3Conradie, Pieter1398
4Tongwane, Tshepo1355
5Katsambe, Mandla1325
6Phiri, Muntu1306
7Martins, Shasha1294
8Molao, Rethabile1289
9Moultrey, Antonio Chrispi1284
10Witbooi, Virgil1281
11Hough, Johan1266
12Modise, Motsumi Stephen1233
13Collins, Harry1209
14Kleinhans, Andre1209
15Kalimashe, Andile Templeto1200
16Lechalaba, Kenneth1195