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UFH Clash of Kings 2024

Last update 12.10.2024 21:39:43, Creator/Last Upload: Xhanti Mafongosi

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Starting rank

1Bonani, Likhona14364417RSA16271529
2Gaga, Lindokuhle14369354RSA16091332
3Tshuma, Sipho14369290RSA15611283
4Magxala, Talent14350521RSA15551542
5Sahluko, Emihle14377217RSA15401352
6Mzizi, Olwethu14364425RSA15311423
7Mawere, Justice14368099RSA15281416
8Ramasindi, Raphadu14377209RSA14961394
9Kani, Ovayo14377160RSA14911305
10Zenani, Sibabalwe14347717RSA14881398
11Ntsunguzi, Simamkela123104724RSA01396
12Masali, Elethu14368153RSA01328
13Sifatyi, InamRSA01261
14Skhabela, Tshepiso534005552RSA01254