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Swieqi Chess Club Open Blitz - October 2024

Last update 19.10.2024 14:33:33, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1 
16Lachinov, EldarAZE1894853,5
23Unger, ManfredMLT19747,552,5
32CMMizzi, JackMLT20537,551
41Hopper, PaulSCO2091647,5
8Gatt, MatthiasMLT1857647,5
613Lukin, VladimirMLT17615,551,5
74Portelli, MatthewMLT1934549,5
15Fong, KennyAUS1730549,5
914ACMGhitza, ElenaMLT1756547,5
1028Ozkan, OzcanTUR0547
1117Dobbin, AndreiMLT1719546
127Schock, KaiGER1882544,5
135CMVella, DuncanMLT1904541,5
1427Noel, LucienSUI0540
1511Saliba, LukeMLT17694,541
169WFMThornton, FilipinaMLT1789440,5
1712Rovatti, PaoloITA1762440
16Ibrahim, AymanMLT1726440
1920Oral, Kaan EmreTUR1622438,5
2010Pucinskis, MihailsLAT1786435,5
2121Mckellar, JohnMLT1572435
2223Briffa, ZacharyMLT1520433
2319Gauci, GabrielMLT16373,534,5
2418Thornton, HayleyMLT16403,531
2522Gusarov, Mark MikhailMLT1525336,5
2624Borg, NikolMLT1416230,5
2726Galea Rizzo, GabrielMLT0129
2825Bajpayee, PiyushIND000

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)