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8th & 9th rounds start at 10.00 AM and 10th round at 09.30 AM

Athens of the East 4th International Grand Master Open Chess Tournament-2024 CATEGORY A (2000 & Above )

Last update 31.12.2024 10:24:25, Creator/Last Upload: Athens of East Pragadesh

Player overview for SVK

22GMManik Mikulas2326SVK1½½110½½11714101,50Cat-A GM

Results of the last round for SVK

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
FMDhananjay S22336 0 - 16 GMManik Mikulas2326

Player details for SVK

GM Manik Mikulas 2326 SVK Rp:2331 Pts. 7
1101Tiwari Shivansh2035IND5s 10,850,15101,50
281Gawai Siddhant2078IND6w ½0,81-0,3110-3,10
361IMMurali Krishnan B T2128IND4,5s ½0,76-0,2610-2,60
459Anadkat Kartavya2142IND5w 10,740,26102,60
577Sharnarthi Viresh2084IND4w 10,800,20102,00
61IMAronyak Ghosh2547IND7s 00,22-0,2210-2,20
740Nandish V S2216IND5,5w ½0,65-0,1510-1,50
843Jihan Tejas Shah2205IND7s ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
957CMSarveshwaran V2150IND6w 10,730,27102,70
1036FMDhananjay S2233IND6s 10,630,37103,70