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Mizse Kupa 2024

Last update 17.11.2024 12:25:44, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 6

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
16Tagai, MartonHUN1804e412 Budapest50,51521
21Palagyi, CsabaHUN1955e216 Szob50,513,521,5
33Berki, BelaHUN1880e121 Lajosmizse4015,523,5
411Papp, CsongorHUN1671e189 Sárvár401320,5
57Horvath, SandorHUN1791e121 Lajosmizse401320
612Turoczi, PeterHUN1667e400 Abony(Ms)/Csemő3,501117
713Juhasz, JozsefHUN1665e121 Karancskeszi/Lajosmizse3,5010,517,5
84Toth, Sandor Sr.HUN1838e378 Balástya/Üllés301523
95Bagi, LajosHUN1835e276 Tass/Kecskemét3013,520,5
108Dal Bianco, NicolaITA1785f250613/ Róma3013,520,5
119Mohay, HenrikHUN1754e390 Kecskemét/Kunszentmárton3011,517,5
1210Tolnai, JozsefHUN1722e194 Budapest301118
1314Kozelka, AgostonHUN1546e121 Lajosmizse2011,516,5
16Fekete, Denes Jr.HUN0e121 Lajosmizse2011,516,5
1517Kiraly, AttilaHUN0e098 Lm/Kecskemét201015,5
1618Nyilas, Peter PalHUN0e121 Lajosmizse20913,5
172Papp, JozsefHUN1941e121 Szolnok/Lajosmizse116,511,5
1815Bujdoso, PalHUN0e121 Lajosmizse108,514,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)