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Tournament is for Tamilnadu Players only
Active TNSCA ID Mandatory to participate in the event
categories Under 09 Under 12 Under 16 Boys & Girls 20 Prizes in each category
Entry Fee 400/-
For Details Contact 6374063160,8072211066

UNDER 9 GIRLS JCI Erode Jasmine &Srimozhi Chess Academy Erode 3rd TamilnaduStateLevel Chess Tmt

Last update 29.09.2024 11:46:09, Creator/Last Upload: IA Umapathy

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Starting rank

1Aadhya G,IND0Erode
2Abinitha L,IND0Erode
3Ahana Syed,IND0Erode
4Akshita M,IND0Erode
5Annanya K,IND0Namakkal
6Bhavya P,IND0Dharmapuri
7Deshnasree D S,IND0Erode
8Dhaksanya, V B PIND0Erode
9Dhakshita Shree D,IND0Erode
10Dhanshika A,IND0Erode
11Diksha, D88114066IND0Karur
12Harisha Shrii S,IND0Coimbatore
13Iniya M,IND0Erode
14Jai Smrithi S V,IND0Karur
15Janarakshinii S,IND0Erode
16Joshitha A,IND0Namakkal
17Jositha A, .IND0Namakkal
18Juana Deborah L,IND0Erode
19Juanita Zipporah L,IND0Erode
20Kanishka A,IND0Erode
22Lakshya S, 2016IND0Erode
23Lakshya S, 2018IND0Erode
24Mahilasree R,IND0Tirupur
25Mithra G,IND0Erode
27Navitha P,IND0Erode
28Nehasree S,IND0Namakkal
29Nidharshana C,IND0Erode
30Nithila B,IND0Namakkal
31Prajiyaa S,IND0Erode
32Prakalya T,IND0Erode
33Prateeksa D V,IND0Erode
34Rigashini R,IND0Erode
35Rithika, N429046998IND0Erode
36Saithanya A,IND0Erode
37Samritha S N,IND0Namakkal
38Sanmitha S,IND0Erode
39Sanvika K R,IND0Erode
40Sarah K,IND0Erode
41Shamruthi P,IND0Erode
42Shreshta M,IND0Erode
43Shriya, V88107019IND0Krishnagiri
44Shrrena V M,IND0Erode
45Sindhu M,IND0Erode
46Suroopa S,IND0Erode
47Swarna Aadhirai P M,IND0Erode
48Tarunika K,IND0Erode
49Tejashree J,IND0Erode
50Tejasri K,IND0Erode
51Tejasri K P,IND0Erode
52Thesniya C,IND0Dindigul
53Vikasini S B,IND0Tirupur
54Yaathiravenbha K,IND0Erode
55Yazhini Sri J,IND0Erode
56Zakkiya, Thasneem I88146448IND0Erode