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2024 26th KCFAP Rapid-20 Tournament

Darrera actualització29.09.2024 13:53:48, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Ignatius Leong

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Rànquing inicial

1AGMTeoh, Yi Hearn Lawrence5706882MAS1837
2AIMAgarwal, Madhav5819075SGP1750
3AFMChit, Ye Thu13008323MYA1711
4FMLeong, Ignatius5800242LAO1698
5Lean, Boon Cheng Richard5802911SGP1681
7Lohitashva, Rajkumar88111091IND1530
8Benedict, Silveries Mathias Samuel5825385SGP1527
9ACMAurik, Joshi88124606IND1513
10Ding, Shirui8618445CHN0
11Khush, Bothra88124649IND0
12Tanish, Bothra88124657IND0