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Memoriál dr. Kadery 2024 – 30. ročník turnaje O nepomucký talíř

Last update 29.09.2024 15:23:31, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 159

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1GMOmelja, Artem14119846UKR2430
2FMShagbazyan, Taron14122073UKR2401
3IMBurdalev, Kirill14121913CZE2302
4FMCesal, Jaroslav300900CZE2218
5IMJurek, Josef300993CZE2172
6Flajsman, Pavel391476CZE2083
7Kopriva, Martin357740CZE2067
8Vilimek, Vit23718218CZE2025
9Wolf, Vilem339040CZE1989
10Bartonicek jr., Zdenek304603CZE1983
11Cekan, Petr367052CZE1948
12Svoboda, Milos301710CZE1940
13Bartonicek sr., Zdenek317276CZE1932
14Flajsman, Petr391484CZE1894
15Vanik, Jakub23774436CZE1835
16Nemec, Frantisek397954CZE1794
17Flajsman, Zdenek391492CZE1753
18Krisman, Ondrej370681CZE1747
19Konig, Vlastislav355186CZE1709
20Roubal, Frantisek389811CZE1624
21Zelenka, Tomas23750200CZE1607
22Kameneckyi, Vladyslav23771097CZE1468
23Jarosik, Karel23752572CZE1465
24Krumpholc, Frantisek23722843CZE1534
25Trefanec sr., TomasCZE1316
26Trefanec jr., TomasCZE0