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10th Vidyasagar University Inter College Chess Championship, 2024 Selection for East-Zone Inter Universities Team Chess Championship 2024-25 (Men)

Last update 24.09.2024 14:30:47, Creator/Last Upload: Mr_Hirak_Bose

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Starting rank

1Sourav Nath Dalal333496731469Kharagpur College
2Siddhartha Maity256122631436Kharagpur College
3Sumit Bera259628091423Haldia Law College
4Biswadeep Hazara5310484981418Jhargram Raj College
5Aman Golechha333424900Kharagpur College
6Arijit Pal259945220K.D. College of Commerce & General
7Arnab Kisku0Midnapore City College
8Arunava Maity0Midnapore City College
9Atmadeep Bhattacharya0Debra Thana Sahid Kshudiram Smriti
10Ayan Mahapatra0Midnapore College (Autonomous)
11Birbal Hansda0Debra Thana Sahid Kshudiram Smriti
12Debayan Chakraborty0Midnapore College (Autonomous)
13Jaydeep Ghosh0Midnapore City College
14Md. Asif Alam0Debra Thana Sahid Kshudiram Smriti
15Md. Tarique Hossain0Haldia Law College
16Minati Mandi0Midnapore College (Autonomous)
17Partha Ghosh0Vidyasagar University
18Preetam Bera0Midnapore College (Autonomous)
19Rahul Kundu0Midnapore City College
20Rajkumar Das0Debra Thana Sahid Kshudiram Smriti
21Rittwik Ranjan Kanjilal0Midnapore City College
22Riyanka Bhaduri450794980Midnapore College (Autonomous)
23Sattwik Hazra0Midnapore College (Autonomous)
24Sayan Bera0Debra Thana Sahid Kshudiram Smriti
25Sougata Maity0Debra Thana Sahid Kshudiram Smriti
26Sougata Pati0Vidyasagar University
27Sudip Bhowmik0Haldia Law College
28Sujan Mandal0Garhbeta College
29Suman Das0Midnapore City College
30Suman Dey0Bajkul Milani Mahavidyalaya
31Supriya Das0Bajkul Milani Mahavidyalaya