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Esfahan City Chess Championship U18 ( Boys) - 1403

Last update 27.09.2024 09:20:49, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 84)

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Starting rank

1Zamani, Shayan22572198IRI1749
2Hanitabaei, Seyedamirsadra36785016IRI1644
3Khan Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza32721021IRI1637
4Farahmand, Masih42793793IRI1592
5Bozorgzad, Parham32779224IRI1554
6Omidinia, Parham36758647IRI1489
7Zare, Poyan36706450IRI1438
8Kianpoor, Danial428029330IRI0
9Pirbadi, MohammadIRI0
10Rostamizadeh, Parham36769908IRI0
11Saber, MohammadhoseinIRI0
12Yazdani, AliIRI0