29th Tamil Nadu IM Norm Closed Circuit Chess Tournament 2024-25 - Coimbatore

Last update 27.09.2024 10:44:40 / Page cached 27.09.2024 16:22:29 82min., Creator/Last Upload: Golden Knights Chess Academy

LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Livegames, LICHESS, CHESSBASE, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters Show tournament details, show flags
ListsStarting rank list of players, Alphabetical list
Rank after Round 7, Pairings/Results
Ranking crosstable after Round 7, Starting rank crosstable, Statistics, Playing schedule
GamesThere are 35 games available for download
Download Files29th IM Norm Technical Meeting.docx
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Starting rank list of players

5GMPodolchenko, Evgeniy13504134BLR2338
1FMMd, Imran25748580IND2337
6IMTologon Tegin, Semetei13800574KGZ2337
8GMManik, Mikulas14900734SVK2316
4CMReyan, Md.25999087IND2291
10IMGochelashvili, David4161203RUS2279
2CMAakash, G25644394IND2278
9Nandish, V S45084297IND2212
3CMGireman, Ja5043794IND2199
7GMAnnageldyev, Orazly14000016TKM2105