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Sunday, 17th November 2024 @ 1:00pm - 6:30pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, Osborn Road, Uxbridge UB8 1UE

Uxbridge FIDE Rapid 17-Nov-2024: Major u1600

Last update 21.11.2024 01:01:13, Creator/Last Upload: hsca

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1Baz, Raja3434586530ENG
2Bhatt, Soham3434521321265ENG
3Braithwaite, Paul4202801450ENG
4Chen, Yechu3434400531541ENG
5Chotai, Rishi3434041111495ENG
6Ding, Yihua4959991355ENG
7Emmett, James3434496461433ENG
8Foale, Ron3434596501376ENG
9Gauri, Dhairye4932521465ENG
10Gemelli, Fabrizio3434572901504ENG
11Kapoor, Prabhgun3434216871159ENG
12Mangalagiri, Pranav3434016351290ENG
13Morgan, Tamir3434595101562ENG
14Pasula, Srishwan3434140011560ENG
15Pearce, Finian3434168021245ENG
16Subburaj, Mithran3434392171548ENG
17Wimble, Garry451460897ENG