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Sunday, 17th November 2024 @ 1:00pm - 6:30pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, Osborn Road, Uxbridge UB8 1UE

Uxbridge FIDE Rapid 17-Nov-2024: Open

Last update 17.11.2024 18:31:04, Creator/Last Upload: hsca

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Alphabetical list

1Akinrotimi, Elijah3434529221606ENG
2Bablu, Gagan257508791807IND
3Batchelor, Mark3434522131992ENG
4Bhatt, Rishaan3434518291521ENG
5Chopra, Tanmay256309462209IND
6Ding, Yiwen4959801736ENG
7Frydman-Orsteen, Oscar3434028951609ENG
8Nilim, Armaan3434119161748ENG
9Olayinka, Ifemuyiwa3434518961504ENG
10Singh, Karanvir3434217841907ENG
11Singh, Amanjot43132401842NZL
12Sriram, Gautam4984911613ENG
13Thushyanthan, Ushakan3434293511667ENG
14Verma, Pradeep350887261748IND