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European Individual Chess Championship 2024

Last update 29.11.2024 09:59:54, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Player overview for BEL

41GMDardha Daniel2606BEL111½½1½½11½8,5227901026,60
379De Winter Roman1778BEL000010010103365176220-17,20

Results of the last round for BEL

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMDardha Daniel26068 ½ - ½ GMIndjic Aleksandar2623
De Winter Roman17783 0 - 13 Volcov Igor1954

Player details for BEL

GM Dardha Daniel 2606 BEL Rp:2790 Pts. 8,5
1235IMVujosevic Vladimir2285MNE3,5s 10,870,13101,30
2144IMPeyrer Konstantin2437AUT6,5w 10,720,28102,80
398GMRasulov Vugar2511AZE6s 10,630,37103,70
42GMDeac Bogdan-Daniel2687ROU8w ½0,390,11101,10
516GMMamedov Rauf2651AZE7,5s ½0,440,06100,60
670GMLivaic Leon2557CRO7w 10,570,43104,30
78GMSargsyan Shant2655ARM7w ½0,430,07100,70
811GMSvane Frederik2654GER8s ½0,430,07100,70
929GMSantos Latasa Jaime2630ESP7,5w 10,470,53105,30
105GMNavara David2674CZE7,5s 10,410,59105,90
1133GMIndjic Aleksandar2623SRB9w ½0,480,02100,20
De Winter Roman 1778 BEL Rp:1762 Pts. 3
1185FMBarria Santos Jose Guilherme2398POR4,5w 00,11-0,1120-2,20
2286CMSaraci Korab2193KOS4,5s 00,11-0,1120-2,20
3330WFMPirvulescu Ekaterina2086ROU3,5w 00,14-0,1420-2,80
4350Tunge Christian2015NOR3,5s 00,20-0,2020-4,00
5324Willim Michael2102GER3w 10,130,872017,40
6351Pehar Borna2010CRO4s 00,21-0,2120-4,20
7380Lakusic Zoran1749MNE1,5w 00,54-0,5420-10,80
8386Mitrovic Danilo0MNE1,5s 1
9353Metin Enis2005TUR3,5w 00,21-0,2120-4,20
10385Camas Mustafa Arda0TUR2s 1
11360Volcov Igor1954MDA4w 00,27-0,2720-5,40