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Open to all Eastern Cape based University/College Chess Clubs.

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Entries close 12/09/2024

EC Students Team League 2024 (Ladies A)

Last update 08.10.2024 08:04:16, Creator/Last Upload: Xhanti Mafongosi

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Starting rank

1Ncokotwane, ZandiRSA1304UFH
2Ndzingwe, LulekaRSA1259WSU
3Moshoeshoe, MaletapataRSA1256Rhodes
4Ngwenya, NkosinomsaRSA1242Rhodes
5Mseleni, LuthoRSA1241WSU
6Dladla, VuyelwaRSA1199UFH
7Ngomane, MicheleRSA1197UFH
8Sibanda, Sharon14371359RSA1194Rhodes
9Mokhothu, PalesaRSA1192UFH
10Madlala, NonhleRSA1178UFH
11Mbaba, ZinathiRSA1177UFH
12Rampadi, ReboneRSA1176WSU
13Magazi, SipahleRSA1175UFH
14Mahlangu, AyandaRSA1160Rhodes
15Malefetse, ThatoRSA1151WSU
16Ralebofu, KemisetsoRSA1122Rhodes
17Forosi, SiphosihleRSA1067UFH
18Khwitshana, EzileRSA0WSU
19Leshosi, KgalaleloRSA0TARDI
20Mahlubi, NikithaRSA0TARDI
21Maile, SeipatiRSA0TARDI
22Maqam, AsandiswaRSA1193UFH
23Mohutsiwa, KebabaletsweRSA0TARDI
24Motingwe, NeoRSA0TARDI
25Mtshali, LuvoRSA0UFH