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♚♕ Congratulation to all the winners! ♚♕
You may see Final standings, Problems, and Solutions, for each category (under 14, 16, 18 years, Open and Girls) below in the download files.

♚♕ FIDE | WFCC | 1st World Youth Chess Solving Championships 2024 ♛♔

Last update 07.11.2024 15:51:08, Creator/Last Upload: (WFCC)World-Federation-Chess-Composition

Player overview for G14

16WFMMgeladze Kesaria13621130GEO2166
30WFMPreobrazhenskaya Diana34270566FID2051
31Kalandadze Mariam13621122GEO2049
40WCMCaku Kler4704703ALB1990
42WFMVlasova Mariya N34370730FID1961
47WFMImomkuzieva Nilufarkhon14216736UZB1883
49AFMShanmathi Sree S25966413IND1881
54Feng Sophia4312635NZL1843
55Danduprolu Ridhi Varma30988330USA1831
58Kammova Katerina23737336CZE1799
67Otimile Maya11321644BOT1728
73Sarmento Flora Ferreira44744960BRA1606
74Costa Milagros3018750URU1505
76Danker Nikole44710518BRA1476
84Goufrane hissein hachimCha0