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دویست و سیزدهمین دوره مسابقات هفتگی مدرسه شطرنج فیل خوب اراک - 5 شهریور 1403 گروه اول

Last update 26.08.2024 19:11:09, Creator/Last Upload: Mr. Kamran Maddani (Ostan Markazi)

Starting rank list of players

4Saeedi, Saeed12508381IRI2231
7Efafi, Ebrahim12503509IRI2016
1Saleh, Sayed Ataollah12547735IRI1909
3Sharafi, Mohammadreza12563544IRI1794
5Sotoude Nia, Mahdiar32780524IRI1793
2Soleymani, Parham42709512IRI1757
8Khademi Araghi, Sheragim42766265IRI1574
6Zaki, Shahrad42728223IRI1501