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Colegio Baden Powell 2024 CATEGORIA TORRE

Last update 15.06.2024 21:14:33, Creator/Last Upload: JUAN RICARDO HUITRON CRUZ

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1Campos Acosta, EstebanMEX0
2García Ruiz, José MaríaMEX0
3Herédia Alcántara, ValentinaMEX0
4Luis Sánchez, ValentinaMEX0
5Nuñez Sánchez, CesarMEX0
6Pérez Cardenas, Luis FernandoMEX0
7Pérez Hernández, IsaacMEX0
8Pineda García, LeonardoMEX0
9Ramírez Sologuren, ElisaMEX0
10Rodriguez Uribe, JesúsMEX0