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Torneo IRT Blitz ADDAG 2024 #2

Last update 02.06.2024 20:31:15, Creator/Last Upload: ajedrezguate

Starting rank list of players

8Linares Orellana, Hector Jose7304307GUA1962
2Gutierrez Choguaj, Josue Emanuel7306016GUA1910
13CMAragon Trujillo, Ricardo M.7303033GUA1895
3AFMGuzman, Jimmy7300735GUA1799
7Gutierrez Choguaj, Jose David7306008GUA1701
1Ayerdi Hurtado, Cynthia Maria7306881GUA1680
5Ordonez Bonilla, Ricardo Andres7307659GUA1667
10Lorenzo Mateo, Jennyfer Marisol7307098GUA1598
12Pineda, Juan Pablo7307977GUA1576
4Martinez, Hector7303386GUA1573
9ACMLopez Montenegro, Hansel Andre359105000GUA1534
11Velasquez Milian, Daniel Alejandro7307730GUA1374
6Gramajo Tovar, Marco EstebanGUA0