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Juegos CONADE2025_Dgo 2008-2005 FemՎերջին արդիացում02.03.2025 03:34:38, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrez para Monstruos
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | González, Castro Isis | | MEX | 1872 | Durango |
2 | | Burciaga, Patiño Valentina | | MEX | 1746 | Durango |
3 | | Solis Cepeda, Alexa | 5199263 | MEX | 1657 | Gómez Palacio |
4 | | Saucedo, Garcia Nahomi Alejandra | 29668883 | MEX | 1590 | Gómez Palacio |
5 | | Sandoval, Cervantes Emily Amairani | | MEX | 1581 | Guadalupe Victoria |
6 | | Ruíz, Sandoval Reyna Valeria | | MEX | 1496 | Vicente Guerrero |
7 | | Ávalos, Delgado Vivian Vaneza | | MEX | 1425 | Pueblo Nuevo |
8 | | González, Franco Hanna Alexandra | | MEX | 1400 | Lerdo |
9 | | Hernández, De Lara María Fernanda | | MEX | 1400 | Guadalupe Victoria |
10 | | Huerta, Alvarado Camila | 5166438 | MEX | 1400 | Nuevo Ideal |
11 | | Frayre Monroy, Estefany Yamilé | | MEX | 0 | Lerdo |