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U10 Campeonato Provincial Categoria

Վերջին արդիացում24.02.2025 15:51:25, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezMorona

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Trujillo Crespo, Deivid Caleb3645061ECU1423
2Arce, LucasECU0
3Aucay, Juan FernandoECU0
4Bravo, MartinECU0
5Brito Lima, Jair Enrique3649520ECU0
6Calvopiña, JosephECU0
7Chalco, ElvisECU0
8Chialvo, LuiggiECU0
9Chinchilima medina, LuisECU0
10Gutierrez, josueECU0
11Idrovo, AlexanderECU0
12Macas Buestan, Matias Ariel3649687ECU0
13Mayancela, LeonardoECU0
14Narvaez, RafaelECU0
15Navarro Trelles, Mateo Alejandro3666670ECU0
16peralta macas, AmaruECU0
17Quezada, RafaelECU0