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Selectivo Estatal Juegos CONADE Veracruz 2025 (17-20 aƱos, Varonil)Վերջին արդիացում17.02.2025 19:36:54, Creator/Last Upload: Abel Jacome Jimenez
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
7 | | Garcia Flores, Diego Agustin | 5166586 | 2010 | Veracruz |
2 | | Ramirez Garcia, Alexis | 5171130 | 1932 | Veracruz |
4 | | Jimenez Davila, Mauricio | 5170974 | 1907 | Veracruz |
3 | | Diaz Martinez, Samuel | 5182034 | 1892 | Veracruz |
8 | | Huerta Lichtenberg De Mindszent, Santiago | 5185408 | 1817 | Veracruz |
6 | | Palma Ortiz, Jesus David | 29653380 | 1702 | Veracruz |
1 | AFM | Morales Reyes, Jose Carlos | 29659183 | 1666 | Veracruz |
5 | AFM | Chiunti Castillo, Angel Manuel | 29650666 | 1566 | Veracruz |