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Selectivo Estatal Juegos CONADE Veracruz 2025 (17-20 aƱos, Varonil)

Վերջին արդիացում17.02.2025 19:36:54, Creator/Last Upload: Abel Jacome Jimenez

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

7Garcia Flores, Diego Agustin51665862010Veracruz
2Ramirez Garcia, Alexis51711301932Veracruz
4Jimenez Davila, Mauricio51709741907Veracruz
3Diaz Martinez, Samuel51820341892Veracruz
8Huerta Lichtenberg De Mindszent, Santiago51854081817Veracruz
6Palma Ortiz, Jesus David296533801702Veracruz
1AFMMorales Reyes, Jose Carlos296591831666Veracruz
5AFMChiunti Castillo, Angel Manuel296506661566Veracruz