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Selectivo Estatal Juegos CONADE Veracruz 2025 (17-20 aƱos, Femenil)Վերջին արդիացում17.02.2025 19:35:21, Creator/Last Upload: Abel Jacome Jimenez
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
2 | | Hernandez Serrano, Erandi | 5166420 | 1736 | Veracruz |
1 | | Ginez Serrano, Vania | 5185505 | 1732 | Veracruz |
7 | | Herrera Carmona, Amerika Ivonne | 29686156 | 1702 | Veracruz |
4 | | Ortega Teoba, Ariadna | 5131928 | 1649 | Veracruz |
5 | | Garcia Colula, Lenssy Paulina | 29650704 | 1620 | Veracruz |
6 | | Cazarin Anteli, Justin Avrill | 5184169 | 1601 | Veracruz |
8 | | Avila Mercado, Griselda Alejandra | 5163781 | 1584 | Veracruz |
3 | | Dominguez Osorio, Claudia Patricia | 29647592 | 1556 | Veracruz |