Chessa Ratings: 1600 plus
Notation is required.
10min lateness is allowed
Play is as per the time schedule6

NMB OPEN 2024 - A-section

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony31.07.2024 11:03:00, Creator/Last Upload: Shane Maartens

Wybranie turniejuA Section, B Section, C Section
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Lista startowa

1Nevin, TylerRSA2028
2CMPeter, NeathanRSA1876
3Chipunza, JamesRSA1699
4Clainos, SpiroRSA1616
5Chipunza, JaredRSA1611
6Wolmarans, GregoryRSA1445
7De Klerk, JeandreRSA1320