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EC Chess Weiqi Championship 2024 U7

Last update 07.07.2024 11:09:34, Creator/Last Upload: EC Chess

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Starting rank

1王紀嵐 Wong Kei Nam,HKG0Victoria Educational Organisation
2朱栩杰 Chu Edison Hui Kit,HKG0Munsang College Kindergarten
3吳泳誼 Ng Wing Yi,HKG0Holy Family Canossian School
4吳學琛 Ng Hok Sum,HKG0St Catherine’s International Kinder
5李昀熾 Lee Quince Wan Chi,HKG0Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep High
6柏果 Bai Leo,HKG0Kowloon Tong School (Primary Sectio
7馬承樂 Ma Shing Lok,HKG0St Catherine’s International Kinder
8張學駿 Cheung Hok Chung Austin,HKG0PLK Choi Kai Yau School
9曹一禹 Tao Gregory Mitchell,HKG0St. Paul's College Primary School
10曹一舜 Tao Russell Matthew,HKG0Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Divis
11梁熙洋 Leung Hei Yeung,HKG0La Salle Primary School
12曾熙煬 Tsang Hay Yeung,HKG0Kentville Kindergarten
13黃因信 Wong Yan Shun Jacob,HKG0Learning Habitat Kindergarten
14黃卓煥 Wong Check Wun,HKG0Evangelize China Fellowship Blessin
15黃棨楠 Wong Elvis Kainam,HKG0Learning Habitat Kindergarten
16劉星妤 Lau Marsha Sing Yu,HKG0Heep Yunn Primary School
17潘柏睿 Poon Pak Yui,HKG0Lam Man Chan English Primary School
18盧彥嵐 Lo Yin Laam,HKG0Kentville Kindergarten
19鄺清楊 Kwong Ching Yeung,HKG0Kentville Kindergarten