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Ostatnia aktualizacja strony31.07.2024 21:24:16, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

Search for team Szukanie

Wynik końcowy po 5 rundach

M-sceSNrDrużynaPartie  +   =   -  TB 1  TB 2  TB 3  TB 4  TB 5 
12Trebejos B5410915,50441399
23Trebejos C5320813,50411231
36Enroque Largo A53117140331251
47Budapest 202453117120351060
54Cerro-nau64 A5221611035971
68Trebejos Cuatro Bejos5221610,5029944
714La Proa 1700 Plus52125110181006
81Progreso A5212510,5022954
910Lacoz B5212510017877
1015Solis de Pando521259,5013873
115Mijail Tal B521258,5023760
1218La Proa Peones en septima51224906832
1316Cerro-nau64 B520348,506766
1417Enroque Largo B512248019726
1511La Proa - Jas Fasola520347,5018670
1613Cerro-nau64 C511338,504753
179Progreso B503237015625
1812Mijail Tal Millennians500505,500502

TB 1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
TB 2: points (game-points)
TB 3: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints
TB 4: Extended Sonneborn-Berger für Teams (ESB)
TB 5: The BSV-Board-Tie-Break