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Oasis club Rapid - 28 June 2024

Last update 12.07.2024 15:51:52, Creator/Last Upload: Hong Kong ChessĀ 

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Starting rank

1Lai, Robin6000436HKG1950
2AIMMahajan, Ritesh6002170HKG1804
3Agarwal, Amartya Shiv6013210HKG1689
4Cheng, Tsz In6010008HKG1603
5Ho, Nok Hang Jonathan6002510HKG1562
6Xia, Xuejing6011357HKG1556
7Alto, Brandon Young6011284HKG1545
8Xiong, Weilin6013279HKG1533
9Or, Lincoln6010644HKG1438
11Chan, Tak Yue6017126HKG0
12Chen, Ian Sai-Fung6015484HKG0
13Lam, Ping HeiHKG0
14Man, Chun Hin6015077HKG0
15Wong, JerryHKG0
16Zhu, Yindong6016839HKG0
17Saruate, RohitHKG0
18Lai, Tsz HongHKG0