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O‘zbekiston professional shaxmat ligasi (ayollar)

Last update 28.06.2024 09:39:15, Creator/Last Upload: Uzbekistan Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

7WFMImomkuzieva, Nilufarkhon14216736UZB1993
8WIMBobomurodova, Maftuna14207400UZB1923
5Aktamova, Zilola14210215UZB1881
4Mukhsinova, Mokhizoda14216515UZB1716
2Najmiddinova, Gulkhumor14214768UZB1716
3Shomurodova, Raykhona14219956UZB1674
6Nurmatova, Kamola14210142UZB1660
1Sattarova, Shaxrizoda14227100UZB1634