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2024 19th KCFAP Rapid-20 Tournament

Last update 08.07.2024 12:45:03, Creator/Last Upload: Ignatius Leong

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Starting rank

1AGMTeoh, Yi Hearn Lawrence5706882MAS1832
2Opoka, Joshua10006346UGA1750
3AIMLumapac, Christian129057926PHI1733
4Voon, Min Vui5748569MAS1713
5AFMChit, Ye Thu13008323MYA1695
6FMLeong, Ignatius5800242LAO1647
7Ng, Zheng He Sherman5834562SGP1622
8ACMAurik, Joshi88124606IND1566
9Lum, Yong Bing5831504SGP1512
10ACMKumaran, Somasundaram5811767SGP1508
11Lohitashva, Rajkumar88111091IND1482
12ACMAshish, Davender Bansal88106632IND1479
13Sumiran, Bansal88106624IND0
14Vedaant, Anand Atreya25922696IND0