Šumadinac 2024 - brzopotezni

Organizer(s)ŠS Šumadije
FederationSerbia ( SRB )
Tournament directorTucaković Dragan (911585)
Chief ArbiterIA Milošević Petar V (953733)
Time control (Blitz)3' + 2''
LocationKragujevac, gradsko udruženje penzionera
Number of rounds13
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating international
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 30.07.2024 20:39:42 / Page cached 31.07.2024 10:41:11 102min., Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details, no flags
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Playing schedule
Download FilesШумадинац 2024 - брзопотезни.pdf
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