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Copa Integra School 2024 - Categoría Alfil

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony27.07.2024 23:17:50, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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1Abrego Avendano, Carlos FelipePAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
2Barrios Chavez, Jesus AdrianPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
3Barrios Munoz, Zoe ValeriaPAN0American School Internacional
4Bonfante Saa, Maria JimenaPAN0Instituto Panamericano
5Bringas Chung, Merida GisellePAN0Academia Santa Maria
6Burke Espinosa, Lucas PaulPAN0Instituto Panamericano
7Cadagan torrws, Derek ivannovhaPAN0Oxford Edison Park
8Cho Hau, Jeremy AlexanderPAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
9Dakroub Daza, AmeenahPAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
10De Gracia, Andrea IsabellaPAN0American School Internacional
11De Leon Palma, Lucia ValentinaPAN0Instituto Cultural
12Escudero Abrego, Thiago IsmaelPAN0Academia Latina
13Garrido, Joel VladimirPAN0Scala School
14Gonzalez, MatiasPAN0Instituto Panamericano
15Herrera Garcia, Eduardo JosePAN0Colegio San Agustin Costa Verde
16Jarrin Zhang, DominickPAN0Oxford Paseo del Norte
17Londono, Andrea LuciaPAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
18Lozano Tulipano, Bryan De JesusPAN0Instituto Panamericano
19Lucas Cano, Nicolas AndresPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
20Martinez Chong, Isaac ManuelPAN0TJS
21Nunez Corrales, Sara SofiaPAN0Instituto Cultural International Sc
22Olmedo, DanielPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
23Ortega, JeronimoPAN0Colegio San Agustin Costa Verde
24Pineda, AlejandraPAN0Scala School
25Ramos Martinez, Sebastian AndrePAN0Oxford
26Salazar Constante, SantiagoPAN0Oxford
27Serrano, AgustinPAN0American School Internacional
28Villavicencio, IsabellaPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde