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Bayelsa state grading competition (opens)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony26.07.2024 18:45:15, Creator/Last Upload: computerfineman

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1Ekunke, GoodnessNGR2066
2Bayefa, OyeinsNGR1786
3Ebiakpo, DivineNGR1738
4Woko, AyibamiedeiNGR1735
5Quickpen, AbnerNGR1702
6Isukul, PoyomamiNGR1516
7Darego, TelemaNGR0
8Dudiefa, DomnicNGR0
9Dudiefa, Joshua RowlandNGR0
10Dudiefa, Roy RolandNGR0
11Gabriel-Ojo, DamilareNGR0
12Gabriel-Ojo, OlalekanNGR0
13Leghemo, AyibamieteiNGR0
14Leghemo, HectorNGR0
15Acquilla, ThompsonNGR0