Halleiner Kelten Schachturnier 2025 B-Turnier (B-Turnier unter 1600 nat. Elo)

Last update 28.06.2024 05:33:18 / Page cached 31.07.2024 21:17:05 10min., Creator/Last Upload: Schachklub Hallein

Tournament selectionA-Turnier, B-Turnier
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters Show tournament details, no flags
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Download FilesFolder Ausschreibung KELTEN Schachturnier 2025 Stand 01. Juli 2024.pdf
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No. NameFideIDFEDRtgRtgNsexTyp
Putz, Lukas1688421AUT11701170U14