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Mozarteum Schach Turnier

Last update 08.06.2024 11:47:45, Creator/Last Upload: Schachklub Hallein

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1Lunenburg, MatthijsNED1139K
2Lunenburg, Philipp Floris1679872AUT1043AK
3Wimmer-Kang, KonstantinAUT894PS
4Brunner, WolfgangAUT0K
5Buchmayr, TeresaAUT0wS
6Gililov, MaximilianAUT0S
7Huber, JosefAUT0S
8Juarez, Luis CarlosAUT0S
9Löffl, LeoAUT0S
10Michel, Lara AmandaAUT0wS
11Pankow, HenningAUT0A
12Prouvost, TimotheeAUT0S
13Santoro, PaoloAUT0S
14Schily, MoritzAUT0S
15Schlager, ChristianAUT0S
16Schröter, RobertAUT0S
17Sieber, GabrielAUT0S
18Spaeth, NormanAUT0S
19Villalva, AlessandroAUT0S
20Von Stauss, KorbinianAUT0AK