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Міжнародний день шахів - Рівне 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.07.2024 01:18:01, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1Kokhno, Olexandr141224132106
2Kudryk, Andrey141196332097
3Matviychuk, Olexandr141077402087
4IMLabensky, Igor141029272053
5Danylyuk, Vasyl141609272019
6Demyanyuk, Andrew141667981947
7Miziurko, Zinaida141069811918
8Antonets, Yuriy141580781894
9Buravliov, Oleg141713171875
10Hlovatsky, Volodymyr141728361869
11Borzenko, Yosyp141409931821
12Diachuk, Nazar341668901808
13Mastiuk, Ivan341639561725
14Pozharskiy, Anatoliy141720971706
15Formanchuk, Bogdan141668011637
16Danylyuk, Oles341485311632
17Komar, Ioann341299441599
18Bedraty, Myhajlo141667471493
19Novoseleckii, Arsen341639641457
20Tsytsyra, Illya0
21Komar, Vitaliy341299521354
22Berezyuk, Daniil341779301300
23Halaburda, Nazariy0
24Knapets, Vadym341847830
25Kohut, Ksenia341711850
26Strilchuk, Severyn341856580
27Tsukanov, Oleh341848560
28Voytovich, Dmytro341305860