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Final JDN Blitz Individual Fem U16

Last update 11.07.2024 16:53:59, Creator/Last Upload: Josue Amaya

Starting rank list of players

6Mayorga Araya, Sofia6514065CRC2096Belen
1Campos Munoz, Valentina6534961CRC1820Ccdr Montes De Oca
4Rivera Gutierrez, Geannina Isabela6534635CRC1717Liberia
5Solis Alvarado, Abigail6550142CRC1629Belen
2Gabb Diaz, Nayareth6534970CRC1584Talamanca
7Valderramos Solano, Ashly Victoria6521916CRC1492Ccdr El Guarco
3Espinoza Jimenez, Joselyn6559573CRC1448Puriscal