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Red Knight Chess Club ♘♘♘♘♘ July Age Group Tournament (U10)

Last update 14.07.2024 11:37:56, Creator/Last Upload: Riste Menkinoski

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Starting rank

1Antarasena, Alynn
2Chalokepunrat, Kelly
3Chuepaiwest, Prin
4Darasidh, Bheem
5Devakula, Charles
6Duangwiset, Aero
7Hongthiamthong, Kao
8Jatusripitak, Nash
9Jhongputthanasombut, KhaoJao
10Jhongputthanasombut, KhaoKar
11Kasemsup, Luke
12Kasemsup, Ray
13Kornbhatt Aramthongpol, Korn
14Nakpathomkun, Tan
15Nakthip, Nakorn
16Piyakhun, Google
17Ruengjirachuporn, Alan
18Ruengjirachuporn, Almond
19Takkasartlert, Parin
20Takkasartlert, TinTin
21Tantichaipakorn, Potter
22Yeap, Aden
23Yeap, Adrien
24Yeap, Ava
25Yeap, Avan