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Torneo Fiestas Julia Huehuetenango 2024 Categoria Sub08

Last update 21.07.2024 00:53:51, Creator: SCHWAB RENE (S.C.Donaustadt),Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Starting rank

1Alvarado, JerethHue0
2Alvarado, SofiaHue0
3Amado, RodrigoSuc0
4Andrade, FernandoQui0
5Carias, FhelipeHue0
6Cifuentes, CristopherTot0
7Escobar, AbnerQue0
8Garcia, GabrielQui0
9Gramajo, SamaraQue0
10Hernandez, AbnerSuc0
11Juarez, NahomyHue0
12Mendez, AbrahamHue0
13Perez, CarlosHue0
14Sanchez, ErickHue0
15Sanchez, FatimaSuc0
16Zacariaz, IkerQui0