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Torneo Fiestas Julias Huehuetenango 2024 Categoria Sub12

Last update 21.07.2024 00:53:35, Creator: SCHWAB RENE (S.C.Donaustadt),Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Starting rank

1Agustin, MaicorHue0
2Alvarado, AilenyHue0
3Alvarado, AngelHue0
4Barreno, WembleyTot0
5Barrios, DanielHue0
6Barrios, DerickHue0
7Bran, ErickSuc0
8Calderon, ErickHue0
9Chuc, JoaquinSuc0
10De Leon, AndersonHue0
11De Leon, JoseSuc0
12Gabriel, CristianQue0
13Garcia, LiliQui0
14Gomez, AngelQue0
15Hernandez, JonathanSuc0
16Juarez, AdysHue0
17Marroquin, BenjaminQue0
18Martinez, DorianHue0
19Navarro, SantiagoQue0
20Ortiz, SilviaSuc0
21Perez, DilanTot0
22Perez, IckerHue0
23Rosales, JosueTot0
24Sen, HenryQui0
25Solis, JoseQui0
26Sontay, AlisHue0
27Sontay, ShirlyHue0
28Tzoc, MarioTot0
29Vasquez, EstebanHue0
30Velasquez, ArmandoQue0