הזמנה מלאה

אליפות בית שמש (קלאסי) 2024

Last update 29.07.2024 17:39:32, Creator/Last Upload: Beit Shemesh

Parameters Show tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Playing schedule
Rank after Round 3, Ranking crosstable after Round 3, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4/12 , not paired
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Starting rank

1Libman, GuyISR2248
2Hochberg, EranISR1970
3Axelrod, AsherISR1908
4Goodinger, DavidISR1882
5Cohen, MosheISR1856
6Nasirov, PierouzISR1800
7Levitman, VladimirISR1791
8Reif, RoiISR1692
9Shahrabani, YaakovISR1624
10Reinhold, TomerISR1595
11Ben Shemesh, Yosef ChaimISR1538
12Shalker, NirISR1535
13Zamir, EitanISR1409
14Cohen, HillelISR1375
15Fish, DovISR1346
16Shahrabani, MosheISR1326
17Carmeli, GalISR1200
18Etkined, EliyahuISR1200
19Matalon, LiorISR1200
20Matalon, ShlomoISR1200
21Neuman, UrielISR1200
22Shahrabani, YosefISR1200