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Nacka-Värmdö KM VT 2024

Last update 23.05.2024 20:22:41, Creator/Last Upload: NackaSchack

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Starting rank

1Hjelmberg, Nicholas1747363SWE1744
2Karlsson, Sven-Åke1772376SWE1725
3Johansson, Mikael1773992SWE1686
4Hagström, Jacob1741780SWE1681
5Nylund, Magnus1712799SWE1620
6Eriksson, Staffan1713582SWE1567
7Sahlberg, Christer1746081SWE1535
8Hardwick, Hugo1767569SWE1498
9Ahlström, Jens1772430SWE1381
10Johansson, Maria1778056SWE0
11Ottosson, Erik1787810SWE0
12Titov, Artem1786113SWE0
13Tuomainen, Jouni1723227SWE1396