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Christmas Open K12

Last update 22.12.2024 03:45:26, Creator/Last Upload: IrinaUtya

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Starting rank

1Guo, Britt Young USA1036CIS
2Dhakal, AayamUSA871Gentry Middle School
3Zhang, EvanUSA856CIS
4Baskar, CadenUSA849CIS
5Debnath, AryanUSA847JMS
6Griggs, Thyme AlexanderUSA826Liberty High School
7Edara, ArnavUSA730JWMS
8Lewis, AidenUSA604Jefferson city high school
9Baskar, DevlinUSA599Rock Bridge High School
10Lai, LucasUSA558Jefferson Middle School
11Daniel, AlexUSA467CIS
12Kulkarni, RevaUSA457JWMS
13Zambre, AdityaUSA445JWMS
14Mehta, NavyamUSA432JMS
15Contreras, NolanUSA386Gentry Middle School
16Zambre, VedantUSA224JWMS
17Hinshaw, Andrew JamesUSA0JWMS
18Kelly, BrendanUSA0JWMS
19Remington, LarsUSA0Hallsville Schoo