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“Memorial Daniel Morelli”. 3ª Etapa. Prix ACUA 2024.

Last update 11.08.2024 16:53:35, Creator/Last Upload: Programa Ajedrez Universidad de La Punta

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Starting rank list

1Lopez, Jose LuisARG2142Chubut
2Montenegro, Juan CarlosARG2108Mendoza
3Elias, RobertoARG2074Buenos Aires
4Mitrani, AlbertoARG1796Buenos Aires
5Vello, PabloARG1760Buenos Aires
6Maita, LeonardoARG1755Buenos Aires
7Frances, CarlosARG1745Cordoba
8Chavero, VictorARG1682Villa Mercedes
9Cayo, CarolinaARG1625Chubut
10Gonzalez, WalterARG1587Villa Mercedes
11Sosa, Juan CarlosARG1585Tucumán
12Camargo, VanesaARG0Villa Mercedes
13Cisterna, ManuelARG0Tucumán
14Lazarte, SusanaARG0Tucumán
15Naranjo, GabrielaARG0Tucumán
16Romero, HugoARG0Tucumán