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Kidult Chess Tournament U1600 - Winner takes iPhone 14

Last update 02.01.2023 15:05:27, Creator/Last Upload: Kidult C Academy

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Starting rank

1Chan Pui Yin Brandon6006647HKG1518
2Ho Nok Hang Jonathan6002510HKG1404
3WCMAnandpara Jayendra Saloni6002200HKG1379
4Leung Shun Him66204372HKG1203
5Chan Koon Fung6010903HKG0
6Chiang Ming YanHKG0
7Chim Yi HinHKG0
8Chim Yi LongHKG0
9Chu Sing Tai6010628HKG0
10He Weize Victor6010687HKG0
11Lau EthanHKG0
12Lau JaidenHKG0
13Law Ching Yin6009719HKG0
14Lee Ho KanHKG0
15Lo Jason Jun-san6007970HKG0
16Tang Ka LongHKG0
17Tsang Aldrik Chun-yin6008429HKG0
18Wong CalvinHKG0
19Xiong Weilin JohnHKG0