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Tirunelveli District Under 17 Chess Championship Tournament 2022

Last update 23.05.2022 13:42:48, Creator/Last Upload: Rishi Chess Academy

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Raaghav Kabil M1537IND 34w1 18b1 10w1 6b½ 13w½ 14b1 3w058293221,00
2AFMNaveen Kumar P1483IND 35b1 21w1 11b1 9w1 3b½ 13w1 19w16,5128,531,528,50
3Jai Kamalesh S1373IND 36w1 19b1 12w1 8b1 2w½ 6b½ 1b162313529,25
4Mitul Bala S1360IND 37b1 23w1 13b0 21w1 6w½ 17b1 16w15,53273022,50
5Gowtham S G1343IND 38w1 20b1 14w1 13b0 12w1 16b½ 15w15,5426,529,522,25
6ACMAshwinth Michael1285IND 39b1 25w1 15b1 1w½ 4b½ 3w½ 13b½56303322,25
7Siva Adithyan S1261IND 40w0 26b1 42w1 22b1 14w0 38b1 18w151421,52416,00
8Rohith Vinay R1221IND 41b1 27w1 17b1 3w0 15b½ 40w½ 49b1513252716,75
9Sachiel Parthiban1190IND 42w1 22b1 16w1 2b0 18w1 19b0 14w159273019,00
10Siddhartha B1181IND 43b1 31w1 1b0 24w1 19b0 37w1 40b1512252818,50
11Dhilip Santhosh Kumar1124IND 44w1 24b1 2w0 36b1 16w0 42b1 25w151126,528,517,50
12Tawfeeqa1115IND 45b1 61w1 3b0 27w1 5b0 47b1 62w1510272917,50
13Gowtham Dhileepan S1100IND 46w1 40b1 4w1 5w1 1b½ 2b0 6w½5531,535,524,00
14Dimittra1085IND 47b1 63w1 5b0 35w1 7b1 1w0 9b042126,52812,50
15Aji Shree A1046IND 48w1 62b1 6w0 38b1 8w½ 61b1 5b04,515283118,00
16Saranya Sri G1029IND 49b1 65w1 9b0 39w1 11b1 5w½ 4b04,516283117,75
17Prithvi Raja S1015IND 50w1 66b1 8w0 40b½ 20b1 4w0 54b14,51724,526,514,00
18Nitin Kumar P1014IND 51b1 1w0 59b1 46w1 9b0 48w1 7b042026,529,514,50
19AFMAbishek E0IND 52w+ 3w0 43b1 48b1 10w1 9w1 2b05729,532,520,00
20Aadhithya L0IND 53b1 5w0 45b1 61b0 17w0 43w1 42b½3,533252811,75
21Aakaash V S0IND 54w1 2b0 44w1 4b0 41w1 62b0 61w033726287,50
22Abijit Aadhithya M0IND 55b1 9w0 47b1 7w0 43b1 49w0 45w034024279,00
23Anshikaa G M0IND 56w1 4b0 46w0 37w0 57b1 44b1 47w143019,5206,50
24Arshia Brimin A0IND 57b1 11w0 49b1 10b0 42w0 59w1 53b1425242511,50
25Bharath Kumar G0IND 58w1 6b0 48w0 50b1 46b1 53w1 11b0423242713,00
26Chris Claitus L0IND 59b½ 7w0 37b0 65w1 28b1 54w0 31b02,55122,524,56,75
27Danush Ram A0IND 60w1 8b0 58w1 12b0 47w0 45b0 59b025323,5254,50
28Dharshini S0IND 61b0 59w0 51b0 33w1 26w0 60b0 56w125916,5172,00
29Diyanesh S0IND 62w0 46b0 54w0 32b0 30w1 31w0 57b125818,5191,50
30Gauresh V0IND 63b0 45w0 53b0 57w0 29b0 -1 32w01651414,50,50
31Gomathi Sankar M0IND 64w1 10b0 61w0 51b½ 54w0 29b1 26w13,53520,5227,50
32Haari Keshav0IND 65b0 47w0 55b0 29w1 58b0 51w½ 30b12,5521717,54,00
33Harsha Sriram0IND 66w0 48b0 50w0 28b0 -1 63w1 51b026115,516,52,50
34Itthesh Singh0IND 1b0 49w0 57b1 53w0 60w1 46b0 64w134719204,00
35Jaikrish K S0IND 2w0 50b1 62w1 14b0 48w0 66b1 46w033825,527,59,00
36Jeshur Manuel Raj0IND 3b0 51w1 63b1 11w0 49b0 58w1 55b14242425,510,50
37Jeyashree C0IND 4w0 54b½ 26w1 23b1 61w½ 10b0 50w142225,52813,50
38Kavin Prabhakar0IND 5b0 53w1 64b1 15w0 55b1 7w0 48b03392526,57,50
39Keici Karunyaa F0IND 6w0 56b1 66w1 16b0 62w0 50b0 60w13452020,54,00
40Kishore Kumar Karthi Keyan0IND 7b1 13w0 65b1 17w½ 59b1 8b½ 10w0419283116,25
41Lacshitha M0IND 8w0 58b0 56w1 60b1 21b0 55w0 65b025718,5192,00
42Madhumetha G0IND 9b0 55w1 7b0 63w1 24b1 11w0 20w½3,53225,52710,25
43Mahin Piramanayagam S0IND 10w0 60b1 19w0 58b1 22w0 20b0 66w13422122,56,50
44Mohamed Farzan Hussain S0IND 11b0 57w1 21b0 55w0 63b1 23w0 58b025419,520,52,50
45Mughilan S0IND 12w0 30b1 20w0 62b0 64w1 27w1 22b14311919,57,00
46Nandesh0IND 13b0 29w1 23b1 18b0 25w0 34w1 35b1427232512,00
47Nikil Brown V0IND 14w0 32b1 22w0 64b1 27b1 12w0 23b034320,5226,00
48Nithya Shree M0IND 15b0 33w1 25b1 19w0 35b1 18b0 38w14282324,511,50
49Nivil Raj V0IND 16w0 34b1 24w0 66b1 36w1 22b1 8w042623,525,512,00
50Ponvel Kumaran R K0IND 17b0 35w0 33b1 25w0 65b1 39w1 37b034121,5237,50
51Rajesh S0IND 18w0 36b0 28w1 31w½ 53b0 32b½ 33w13461920,56,50
52Rithanya Ganesan0IND 19b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006616,517,50,00
53Rubesh Anbazhagan0IND 20w0 38b0 30w1 34b1 51w1 25b0 24w034420,5216,50
54Saai Amuthan S0IND 21b0 37w½ 29b1 59w0 31b1 26b1 17w03,534212310,00
55Sai Durga K0IND 22w0 42b0 32w1 44b1 38w0 41b1 36w034918206,50
56Sai Gokul0IND 23b0 39w0 41b0 -1 66w0 65w0 28b01641617,51,50
57Sai Kumar0IND 24w0 44b0 34w0 30b1 23w0 64b0 29w016316,5170,50
58Sai Pranav M0IND 25b0 41w1 27b0 43w0 32w1 36b0 44w135017,519,56,50
59Shakthi Gayathri B0IND 26w½ 28b1 18w0 54b1 40w0 24b0 27w13,53620228,75
60Sivasri B K0IND 27b0 43w0 -1 41w0 34b0 28w1 39b026215174,00
61Sriram Kumar V0IND 28w1 12b0 31b1 20w1 37b½ 15w0 21b14,51823,525,514,00
62Vanisha L0IND 29b1 15w0 35b0 45w1 39b1 21w1 12b042922,524,512,00
63Varshini S0IND 30w1 14b0 36w0 42b0 44w0 33b0 -12601616,51,50
64Velmurugha Indhresh V0IND 31b0 -1 38w0 47w0 45b0 57w1 34b025519203,50
65Vinishaa A0IND 32w1 16b0 40w0 26b0 50w0 56b1 41w134818,5195,00
66Yugashini M0IND 33b1 17w0 39b0 49w0 56b1 35w0 43b02561919,52,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable