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Georgian 81st Championship

Last update 05.02.2022 19:45:08, Creator/Last Upload: Georgian chess federation

Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED123456789101112Pts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1GMPantsulaia Levan2579GEO*110½½½½111180638,753,5
2GMGagunashvili Merab2573GEO0*½½0111½11+7,50,5634,253
3IMTutisani Noe2412GEO0½*½111½1½½17,50,5537,254
4GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2587GEO1½½*1½½½½01171436,754
5GMPaichadze Luka2566GEO½100*011½11170632,002,5
6IMKacharava Nikolozi2480GEO½00½1*011½1+6,50529,002
7GMQuparadze Giga2477GEO½00½01*111½½60428,752
8IMLortkipanidze Nodar2414GEO½0½½000*½11+50320,751,5
9FMAkhvlediani Irakli2433GEO0½0½½00½*10+41217,751,5
10FMChkhaidze Nikoloz2288GEO00½10½000*1+40317,502
11GMSanikidze Tornike2464GEO00½000½010*130211,251
12IMPetriashvili Nikoloz2418GEO0-000-½---0*0,5003,000,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break4: Koya Tie-Break