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Última actualización29.12.2021 23:13:57, Propietario/Última carga: FECODAZ

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 7 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Acosta Mariana1404VAL 35w1 30b1 19w1 13b+ 17b1 18w1 2b½6,5028,56
2Aguilera Espana Samuel1161VAL 44b1 4w0 34w1 10b1 11w1 7b1 1w½5,5030,55
3Sanchez Barreto Josue Efrain1226VAL 26b½ 18w½ 20b1 40w1 4b1 17w1 6b½5,50284
4Lopez Ricardo Andres1547VAL 16w1 2b1 17w0 26b1 3w0 25b1 21w15030,55
5Alape Juan David1436VAL 31b1 17w0 22b1 12w1 28b½ 8b½ 9w150294
6Colzato Christine1431VAL 45b1 8w½ 25b1 27w1 7b0 29w1 3w½50284
7Kato Sebastian1473VAL 51b+ 12w1 28b1 17b0 6w1 2w0 20b15026,55
8Andrade Gomez Samuel1121VAL 55w1 6b½ 9w0 29b1 27b1 5w½ 18b15025,54
9Aguilera Espana Juan Diego1255VAL 20b1 29w½ 8b1 11b½ 25w½ 28w1 5b04,50293
10Azza Jhoan Sebastian1402VAL 33b1 28w0 32b1 2w0 14b1 15w½ 29b14,50284
11Vega Cotacio John Alejandro1472VAL 43w1 15b1 27b½ 9w½ 2b0 33w1 12b½4,5027,53
12Bonilla Barreiro Maria Jose1206VAL 42w1 7b0 24w1 5b0 35w1 32b1 11w½4,50274
13Valderrama Miguel Angel0VAL 49b1 32w1 40b1 1w- -0 16w½ 31b14,50254
14Pena Ramirez Jatniel0VAL 18b½ 26w0 43w1 30b1 10w0 27b1 25w14,5024,54
15Guapacha Taborda Laura Michell1138VAL 48b1 11w0 49w1 21b1 26w0 10b½ 30w14,5022,54
16Romero Barreto Samuel Esteban1288VAL 4b0 56w1 46b1 25w0 45w1 13b½ 17b14,50214
17Ruales Nicolas1161VAL 50w1 5b1 4b1 7w1 1w0 3b0 16w04032,54
18Carvajal Vega Juan Manuel1402Val 14w½ 3b½ 42w1 23b1 19w1 1b0 8w04031,53
19Grisales Hoyos Isabella1012VAL 41w1 34b1 1b0 33w1 18b0 20w0 35b140264
20Sanchez Burgos Carlos Antonio1371VAL 9w0 50b1 3w0 42b1 23w1 19b1 7w040264
21Agudelo Bernal Emanuel1300VAL 38b1 27w0 44b1 15w0 22b1 37w1 4b040254
22Sanchez Riscanevo Santiago1247VAL -0 -1 5w0 43b1 21w0 42b1 34w140233
23Escobar Daniel1248VAL 37b1 25w0 45b1 18w0 20b0 38w1 33b14022,54
24Cortes Espana Diego Alejandro1352VAL 25b0 48w1 12b0 44w1 33b0 47w1 28b140204
25Villegas Henao Juan Diego0VAL 24w1 23b1 6w0 16b1 9b½ 4w0 14b03,5031,53
26Munoz Ortega Juan David1218VAL 3w½ 14b1 29b0 4w0 15b1 31w0 40b13,50293
27Rendon Isabela1059VAL 46b+ 21b1 11w½ 6b0 8w0 14w0 37b13,50283
28Soto Ospina Ana Maria1072VAL 57w1 10b1 7w0 31b1 5w½ 9b0 24w03,5026,53
29Jimenez Manuel David0VAL 52b+ 9b½ 26w1 8w0 44b1 6b0 10w03,5024,53
30Gomez Gomez Maria Camila1083VAL 56b1 1w0 31b½ 14w0 41b1 40w1 15b03,50243
31Taborda Borja Valeria1279VAL 5w0 57b1 30w½ 28w0 48b1 26b1 13w03,5021,53
32Moreno Otavo Stephany1226VAL 53b+ 13b0 10w0 36w1 40b½ 12w0 42b13,50213
33Villafane Luis Fernando1258VAL 10w0 41b1 47w1 19b0 24w1 11b0 23w03025,53
34Jacome Revelo Daniela Alexandra1300VAL 36b1 19w0 2b0 46w1 37b0 45w1 22b03023,53
35Rodriguez Ordonez Yehosua1262VAL 1b0 45w0 56b1 39w1 12b0 43w+ 19w030223
36Sanchez Burgos Julian0VAL 34w0 46w0 -1 32b0 38b0 44w1 45b130192
37Ruales Daniel1232VAL 23w0 43b0 57w1 47b1 34w1 21b0 27w03018,53
38Puentes Londono Juan Esteban0VAL 21w0 42b0 50w1 41b0 36w1 23b0 46w13018,53
39Ramirez Jose Manuel0VAL 40b0 44w0 55b+ 35b0 42w0 41w1 47b130143
40Alegre Lozano Gabriela1300VAL 39w1 47b1 13w0 3b0 32w½ 30b0 26w02,5025,52
41Gutierrez Sanchez David0VAL 19b0 33w0 48b½ 38w1 30w0 39b0 50w12,50192
42Lozano Pulgarin Josue Amador1213VAL 12b0 38w1 18b0 20w0 39b1 22w0 32w020262
43Mellizo Monica Juliet0VAL 11b0 37w1 14b0 22w0 46b1 35b- -02024,52
44Lozano Pulgarin Maria Antonia1202VAL 2w0 39b1 21w0 24b0 29w0 36b0 48b12024,52
45Munoz Hoyos Maria Antonia0CAU 6w0 35b1 23w0 49b+ 16b0 34b0 36w02023,52
46Guacheta Palacio Juan Jose0VAL 27w- 36b1 16w0 34b0 43w0 48w1 38b02020,52
47Gutierrez Sanchez Josue0VAL 54w+ 40w0 33b0 37w0 50b1 24b0 39w02016,52
48Amariles Jurado Johan Esteban0VAL 15w0 24b0 41w½ 50b1 31w0 46b0 44w01,5019,51
49Lopez Restrepo Danna Abigail1296VAL 13w0 55b+ 15b0 45w- -0 -0 -01021,51
50Alape Gonzalez Maria Camila0VAL 17b0 20w0 38b0 48w0 47w0 -1 41b01020,50
51Loaiza Alvear Victor Manuel0VAL 7w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000260
52Martinez Martinez Tomas1600BOG 29w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00024,50
Salguero Miguel Angel1248COL 32w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00024,50
54Gutierrez Grajales Samuel1600BOG 47b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000230
Fandino Poveda Samuel0VAL 8b0 49w- 39w- -0 -0 -0 -000230
56Figueroa Pazos Tatiana Daniela0VAL 30w0 16b0 35w0 57b- 57b- -0 -000180
57Figueroa Pazos Daniel Alejandro0VAL 28b0 31w0 37b0 56w- 56w- -0 -000170

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: The greater number of victories (variable)