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IM-tournament "Vinnytsia Winter - 2022"

Last update 07.01.2022 11:46:11, Creator: Nikolayeb CF,Last Upload: Nikolay Bodnar

Starting rank list of players

2FMCeres Dragos13905864MDA2354
7FMBilych Olexiy14156504UKR2348
8IMItkis Boris1209167ROU2343
4GMMikhaletz Lubomir14102340UKR2329
6IMVusatiuk Vladimir14118610UKR2307
3Muha Sergey14136708UKR2219
1FMBykovskiy Oleg14129825UKR2199
9Roienko Artur14136732UKR2167
5Domalchuk-Jonasson Aleksandr14142805ISL2137
10Sedlov Aleksei24105686RUS1787